Wisdom for the Day: Proverbs 12:19

Proverbs 12

19 Truthful lips endure forever,
but a lying tongue lasts only a moment.

Truthful words will stand the test of time, but one day every lie will be seen for what it is.

We trust the truth don’t we.

When we hear of a politician caught in a lie we kind of dismiss them as credible, we tend not to listen to what they say anymore, after all who wants to listen to lies. They soon become history.
In our relationships when someone we know lies to us, a little bit of that relationship dies. A relationship that is built on lies doesn’t last that long, if it is built on truth it lasts. I wonder what sits behind that lie? I am sure there are screeds of phsycological study devoted to the subject.

We all have friends that we trust, we listen to their counsel, they have our best interests at heart and we return to them time and time again. They don’t lie to us.

There are others that just tell us what we want to hear to pacify us. They maybe don’t want to rock the boat. A bit stupid really, the friendship wont last because it is not built on honesty. These are human relationship considerations but when it comes to eternal matters.

We will be commended for the truth we have spoken, especially for communicating the truth of the Gospel. That truth has enduring and eternal consequences. If it wasn’t the truth, then it would be seen as a lie and fallen away. We wouldn’t have it any longer.

There is a book by John Ortburg ‘who is this man’ which looks at Jesus and how the truth he spoke 2000 years ago has changed the world and continues to change the world.

Speak his truth, live his truth and you will endure. When we are honest with God our relationship will endure. Know that one day every lie will be seen for what it is.


Wisdom for the Day: Proverbs 13:12


Wisdom for the Day: Proverbs 11:12