Summer 2021 Congregational Newsletter

Psalm 8

LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory in the heavens. Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies,  to silence the foe and the avenger. When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honour. You made them rulers over the works of your hands; you put everything under their feet: all flocks and herds, and the animals of the wild, the birds in the sky, and the fish in the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas. LORD, our Lord,  how majestic is your name in all the earth!


Psalm 8 is described as a priceless Jewel that celebrates the glory and goodness of God disclosed in creation. Without overlooking his enemies, David the psalmist conveys a mixture of awe and barely restrained Joy. All he has to do is look at the heavens and Gods created order to dispel any fears and anxieties he has. These fears are real but they are set aside by the astounding realization that comes from the verse, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them.

We are not on our own, we are part of Gods family and he cares for each and every one of us. He has given us a place and a purpose in his world and he cares deeply for us and for that we can praise him with the words, LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!   

In our Easter newsletter we reflected upon the new life that springs from the cross. Summer brings with it a reminder of a new season, one where we are surrounded by lush landscapes and greenery, surrounded by the buzz of holiday makers and children as they enjoy the beauty of our Islands. Summer brings a new season for our church where we start to enjoy greater freedom from the covid restrictions that have stifled our collective worship of God. The joy of the Lord is our strength and we  celebrate with a church fun day for all ages on Saturday 14th Aug from 1 to 4pm, all welcome.

We then look forward to our August Communions where we hope to have Rev Hector Morrison with us. Any wishing to come into membership of the High Church can have a word with minister or elders. We truly are entering a new church season and we are thankful to God for his goodness to us. 

CHURCH, Relaxation of COVID Restrictions: 

Bookings are no longer required for our Sunday services, social distancing has been reduced to 1m inside church buildings and face masks are still to be worn. We have more freedom to return to our usual church activities but we remain cautious in our approach and recognize there are still high levels of COVID anxiety. Those that do not feel comfortable returning to church are encouraged to continue making use of our online services until anxieties ease.  

As church becomes more accessible and less restrictive we are now providing a service to enable those who have no transport to get to and from church. Those that formerly used the minibus service and those that have no other means to get to church can phone Duncan Macinnes(07748332595) or Annie Smith(704263) to make arrangements to get to church.  


Sunday School for all ages will return on Sunday 15th August and parents are encouraged to bring their kids along to that. We will be using ‘Youth for Christ’ resources which are modern and interactive. Creche will also be available. Sunday school and creche will assemble in church and go through to the Sunday school after the Children’s talk.  

WORSHIP RESOURCES: Our Sunday and Wednesday Services continue to be livestreamed from the Church.  Our worship Services are available on the Stornoway High Church Facebook page, on our Stornoway High Church YouTube channel and on our website,  You can also dial in by phone (03301 248483) to our live services at 11.00am Sundays and 7.30pm Wednesdays.

SERVE: Volunteers are sought for cleaning rota, door duty and tea rota. We hope to return to serving teas after our Sunday morning services at the end of the month but we need to hear from those willing to go on to a tea rota.

THANKS: Many serve in a variety of capacities to keep the lights burning, the church clean and safe, to keep the services accessible in person and on line, the gardens tended and the church in ship shape. The Kirk session would like to express its sincere thanks to you all. Thank you for your continued financial support of the church and it is a testimony to the commitment and generosity of the congregation that we are able to continue to serve our community in such hard times. We are so encouraged by your generosity, particularly at a time of financial hardship for many.  Contact Our treasurer Annie Smith on 07972 935105 for any questions regarding giving.

PASTORAL CARE NETWORK: Telephone remains the primary method of keeping in touch but pastoral visits are permissible where required. If you would like a phone call or know of someone in our congregation that would benefit from a call or if you have any Pastoral issues or concerns, please contact the Minister on 07717 065739. Ministers vestry time on Wednesday mornings (10 to 12) will resume after the communions, Appointments are preferred but fell free to drop by if you would like a chat.

HIGH CHURCH FOOD BANK: Thank you for your generous contributions which allow this service to continue.  The best way to support this is through cash donations deposited in our secure mailbox on the outside wall of the small Sanctuary (Goathill Road entrance).  If you are in need, or if you are aware of others in need, please contact Jann Skelly, 07985 710410 or Fiona Morrison, 07484 844485.

A WORD FROM THE SESSION CLERK:  As we emerge from Coronavirus restrictions, we remain thankful to God for the way in which He has prospered the congregation over these difficult months. The sense of unity in the congregation is palpable and something that we will never take for granted. Membership of the Kirk Session has been boosted by the addition of our own Three Wise Men – Duncan Macinnes, John A Maciver and Donnie Macdonald. These three gentlemen will make great leaders within Stornoway High Church; mature, caring, able to teach and with warm, winsome personalities. Under Gordon’s Ministry of peace and love, and with a strengthened Kirk Session, we look forward to a period of sustained growth. Our prayer is that God will continue to be the strength of the congregation, that His ways will continue to be in their heart and that, as a consequence, they will go unwearied from strength still forward unto strength 

PRAYER:  Faithful God, you are our refuge from the storm, you are our ever present help in times of trouble, you are our rock and our salvation. We thank you for guiding us, we thank you for guiding us and keeping us safe. Thank you for caring for us and we pray for your continued protection as we seek to return to a more normal pattern of church and as we seek to build our fellowship in to a vibrant worshipping community of faith. In Jesus name, Amen.

Rev Gordon Macleod (Minister)

Mr John Cunningham (Session Clerk)




Congregational Newsletter Easter 2021