December News Letter 2022



Luke 2:1  “In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. (This was the first census that took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria).  And everyone went to their own town to register.  So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David.  He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child.  While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son.  She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them”.

REFLECTION:  This has been a difficult year for many and the next one looks just as challenging as the cost of living crisis bites even harder.  We take a step back in time and reflect on a man and his heavily pregnant wife struggling to find a warm space to rest in a town swelled by the Census.  It was a long journey for a pregnant woman and you can imagine their predicament.  Imagine also the relief when a space was provided for them.  Well done to that compassionate person who despite having no space for a guest, went out of their way to provide for the desperate couple.

We see anxious and desperate people all around us who are thankful of the compassion and care shown by those the Lord has placed before them offering hope in hopeless situations. The migrants,  the refugees, the homeless, the hungry, the lonely and the lost.  There is no shortage of need.

We cannot solve the problems of the world but we can each be those beacons of hope that show the love of Christ to those around us.  Christ came to this world to provide us with an eternal hope.  We have every reason to celebrate his birth because it is through his life, death and resurrection that we can live in the hope he has given us.  Hope is a wonderful place to live in!

CHURCH:  We have been encouraged throughout the year by the number of people returning to Church after the extended COVID interruption to our individual lives and to the life of our Church.  I would like to take this opportunity to say: if you haven’t come back to Church yet after COVID, then please think about it, we do miss you.  Lifts to Church are available for those who are unable to get to Church themselves (call Morag on 07823 323070).

A Monthly Prayer Meeting and collection for Ukraine has been held since the conflict began and, as a Church, we have sent over £3,000 to Missionary organisations and relief efforts.  Thank you for your generosity and continued prayerful support.

This Christmas Eve, we are holding a Lessons & Carols Watchnight Service at 7.00pm in the Church Hall - Hot Chocolate and Mincemeat Pies served afterwards.  Our Christmas Day and New Year’s Day Services will be held at 11.00am and there will be no Evening Services on these special days.  

On Christmas Day Sunday, we will serve a Three Course Christmas Dinner in the Tea Hall, sitting down at 1.00pm.  If any are struggling or are on their own or simply want food and fellowship on Christmas Day, there is an open invitation to come along.  For late bookings call Morag on 07823 323070.

Christmas is often a hard time of year for many as we think of loved ones that are no longer with us. We will be holding a special service on Wednesday 28th December at 7.30pm in the Church Hall to give us the opportunity to remember them and light a candle for those we remember at this poignant time of year.

CRUINNICH:  As fuel prices continue to rise, we are very aware of the challenge of heating homes at this time of year.  ‘Cruinnich’ is our Warm Hub initiative which takes place in our Tea Hall every Thursday from 11.00am and 3.00pm.  It is part of an Island-wide network providing a warm space, tea, coffee and Soup & Sandwiches.  Please join us for food and friendship, it is open to all.  An invite card is enclosed for your information and you can pass it on to others; no Church connection required.

SUNDAY SCHOOL:  Sunday School resumes on Sunday 8 January 2023.  Baptism vows taken by parents are a commitment to bring our children up in the Christian faith and participation in Sunday school is a great way to teach them about the faith they have been baptised into.  Crèche facilities are available in the Tea Hall.  Speak to Jann (07985 710410) or Fiona (07484 357410) for more detail.

MESSY CHURCH:  This takes place four times a year and offers food and fun for the kids in a creative and innovative setting.  Thanks to all who help and participate.  The kids recently had great fun at our Messy Christmas Party and we look forward to our next one at Easter time.  Open to all kids.

WORSHIP RESOURCES:  Our Sunday Services continue to be livestreamed, 11.00am from the Church and 6.30pm from the Hall.  These worship Services are available on the Stornoway High Church Facebook page, on our YouTube channel and on our website, 

DIAL UP:  You can also listen to these Services over the phone by calling free on 03301 248483.  We do apologise for the recent interruption to our Dial Up service but that has now been fixed.

THANKS:  The Kirk Session would like to thank the congregation for your service and generosity to Christ’s Church.  Your support ensures that we are able to participate in the mission of Christ to serve our community.  Anyone with a backlog of Free Will Offering envelopes to submit, could you please submit before the Christmas day service.  For those giving through the plate, please consider using Free Will Offering envelopes so we can claim an additional 20% on your giving at no cost to you.  For those who haven’t done so, please sign up for Gift Aid.  These measures ensure the Church gets the maximum benefit from your giving.  For info, please contact treasurer, Annie Smith (07972 935105).

PASTORAL CARE NETWORK:  Our Home Visitation Teams have resumed visiting the housebound and those who are having difficulty getting out.  If you would like to be added to the list for visitation please get in touch with the minister on 07717 065739.

HIGH CHURCH FOOD BANK:   The service continues to meet the needs presented.  This is a confidential and discreet service and is there for community use.  If you think someone would benefit from the service please let them know about our Food Bank.  Thank you for your generous contributions which allow this service to continue.  Cash donations can be made online or in an envelope marked Food Bank.  To use this service please contact Jann Skelly, 07985 710410 or Fiona Morrison, 07484 357410. We are thankful to the congregation for their thanksgiving generosity.  In excess of twenty bags of food were distributed to those in need following that collection.

A WORD FROM THE SESSION CLERK:  Peace is the essence of the Christmas message.  Christ came as the Prince of Peace.  At his birth, the angels sang ‘Peace and good will toward men’.  And 33 years later, the first words of the risen Christ to the disciples were, ‘Peace be with you’.  This is not just any peace but a peace that passes all understanding.  As our big High Church family moves towards Christmas and the celebration of Christ’s birth, the peace within the congregation is noticeable and this is the gift of God, not of our own making.  By nature, we are quarrelsome creatures and it takes the presence of the Holy Spirit to bring peace and unity.  Week in, week out, those who attend our Prayer Meeting pray for a continuing spirit of unity and peace in the congregation and the Kirk Session is thankful for the many who make this their prayer in their private devotions.

Let us never take that peace and unity for granted.  Because of it, Stornoway High Church is a warm, welcoming fellowship, a safe place where people know they won’t be judged but will be embraced through the love of Christ.  There is enough stress in our daily lives all week and what a blessing it is to come to Church and to be still and to know that God is God.  The Kirk Session wishes the congregation, and everyone associated with it, a truly Merry Christmas where the word ‘merry’ has its original, Old English, meaning of ‘peaceful’ or ‘spiritually joyful’.

PRAYER:  Gracious God, we thank you for Jesus, the light of the world and the giver of every good and perfect gift. We pray that the congregation of the High Church would know the love of Christ in their hearts and that you would be with them through your Spirit both now and forever more. Amen   

Rev Gordon Macleod  (Minister)

Mr John Cunningham  (Session Clerk)





Stornoway High Church Easter Newsletter 2022